Glossar Consignee

The term Consignee comes from the English language and can be found on various bbbb consignment notes . The term Consignee refers to the recipient of a consignment, regardless of the type of goods or goods being transported. This is specified either in sea waybills, i.e. the bill of lading (B/L), or in air waybills, i.e. the airway bill (AWB).

This means that in the various consignment notes, the person behind the term Consignee is always considered the recipient of the goods in question and therefore also has the right to receive these goods. As a rule, these are natural persons who must of course also identify themselves when presenting the air waybill or sea waybill before the goods are handed over.

Consignee for Ocean Freight

By presenting the bill of lading the respective consignee has a secure basis at Ocean Freight with which they can demand the release of the transported goods from the responsible carrier. They can therefore legitimise themselves as recipients.

Once the ship has arrived at the port of destination, the recipient has a so-called enforceable right to delivery. Upon presentation of the sea waybill, the transported goods must therefore be handed over to this person.

Consignee for Air Freight

Regarding Air Freight and the associated air waybills, so-called analogue rights exist. Here, the recipient of the transported goods is obliged to pay the freight agreed in advance to the sea or air freight carrier. However, this must also be contractually agreed in advance.

Good to know: In the case of air freight, both the creation and the payment always take place step by step.

Similar rights and obligations exist for the recipient in other freight relationships. However, it is important to always inform yourself in advance so that you know exactly which obligations and rights apply to the recipient for which transport. This means that any details can be customised in advance.