Glossar Quay dues
The term Quay dues comes from the Ocean Freightsector. Quay dues are the fees charged in ocean freight transport for the handling of goods via the quay.
The quay is the fortified bank or landing stage or the harbour wall, which is used for loading or unloading ships.
The Quay dues are also known as handling charges and are listed in invoices and documents. The costs incurred for the individual loads of goods being transported by sea are usually paid by the issuer of the ship's note.
In the case of traffic arriving by sea, the Quay dues are paid by the recipient of the goods. Quay dues vary depending on different factors and are usually passed on to the actual customer.
This is how Quay dues are calculated
Quay dues are always calculated individually. They depend on the type of goods and the associated transport. The quantity and weight of the goods are also taken into account when calculating the handling charges. The corresponding weight is another factor for calculating the Quay dues. The higher the weight of the freight, the higher the costs that are charged. The nature of the goods and the volume of goods handled are also taken into account.
The counterpart to the Quay dues
Of course, there is also a counterpart to the Quay dues in the container transport. This is the Terminal Handling Charge, THC, the Port Service Charge or Container Service Charge. This relates to the handling of containers via the terminal concerned. The charges are paid by the shipowner to the terminal operator. In this case, the costs incurred are passed on to the customer and are added to the actual transport costs.